A Delicious Visit to the Hotel Pierre du Calvet in Old-Montreal
Dinner at Auberge Pierre du Calvet with great food and service
From organic produce and other local fresh products, Hotel Pierre du Calvet's chef and his aids concoct skilful menus to surprise your senses with authentic taste, textures & aromas.
To make a reservation at the Hotel Pierre du Calvet, see the hotel's web site: http://www.hotel-pierreducalvet.com OR http://pierreducalvet.com.
To know the best prices about hotel rooms around the world, see their non-profit organization at the site that follows: http://www.hotels-montreal.org.
For more information about the restaurant ''Les Filles du Roy'', we call you upon to see the following site: http://www.lesfillesduroy.com.
For more information about Hotel Pierre du Calvet and the cultural activities in the Old-Port, visit theirs social media at the following sites: https://www.facebook.com/pierre.ducalvet and
Hôtel Pierre du Calvet
405 Rue Bonsecours
Vieux-Montréal, Québec
Tel: 514 282-1725 / 1-866 544-1725